

              Dear readers, it took me 16 years before I found myself picking up a camera. And I tell you, it changed me, inside and out.


                                                       Why Photography?

     Why not cooking or business or coding? Well, I am not going to deliver some sort of a long boring elaboration but look at this way. If humankind did not discover the mechanism of light and initiated the first principle of photography, you won't be seeing photos of your childhood stacked in an album stored away somewhere in the dusty corner of your house. People won't even know what instagram is, and social medias will be consisted of essays of our daily hustles. And should you know more, it connects people in a way you would never imagine. Quoting Alex Currie, when someone photographs you they take a little piece of your soul but when photographers take a picture, a piece of them gets left in that place. 

To photographers, it is way more than just clicking the shuttle button.

                                            A Passion
        By way of 16 years before sense started knocking into my head, I mean it was only last year that I thought a camera was worthy of my dedication and commitment. I have been a film enthusiast since forever; when I watch a movie, I don't do watching alone, I observe and interpret everything from the cinematic view, the colors, the mood, the plot, the dialogue and mostly well to the story behind it. I always like to tell stories and I thought film is a perfect way to deliver just that. If the production quality is strong enough, it could change humanity. It was then I sat down for a talk to choose a career after the PT3 drama with my dad. He told me the bridge to the unravel the cinematic world is photography. They were the same thing, except you trained your eyes and mind to develop a story within cold and still subjects.

        It was like I had discovered myself, finally.

        Since then, I have been practicing. Mostly because it would make me a filmmaker. Then, I fell in love with the practicality and the theory of photography, Allah knows how many friendship and acquaintances I have made along the path. My dad's Nikon D7000 has been my loyal companion. 

         Though I put my hopes up to get pass this stage of discovering towards a much more professional field of cinematic, but one of these days I am still in apprenticeship. I capture photos in documentary style and I am still finding my touch and taste to my piece. Let just say, it is still a long journey for me. 

           And maybe with even the faintest flicker of burning passion in you, it might be your journey too :)

See you in the next update!

SM Sains Banting

Photo taken by

The school where I lived for two years.Now,its not belong to me.


Welcome to MonAlbumdeReve
Image result for photograph

What is MonAlbumDeReve?MonAlbumdeReve is a blogsite created for those who interested in photography and want to learn and expressed out their masterpiece.This blogsite will be managed by our admin and will publish their work to inspire others.We hope with all of our effort,we can make the world great with photography because "A picture contain a thousand of stories."

Why we choosed the name of MonAlbumdeReve?

It's easy.Because we like to make our blog like nostalgic because photo is means moment itself.So that why we choose Frech language because it was one of the language seems kind of nostalgic if we speek right?The meaning of MonAlbumdeReve is "MyDreamAlbum"
Which means this blog gave someone who interested in photography so much to own a blog and put all their work like an album for themselves.


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